Octagonal Woodard Dining Table, Iron with Original Vitrolite / Milk Glass Top — RETRO INFERNO

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Octagonal Woodard Dining Table, Iron with Original Vitrolite / Milk Glass Top

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Octagonal Woodard Dining Table, Iron with Original Vitrolite / Milk Glass Top


Not your typical Woodard octagonal dining table. This example has never been outside on a patio and retains the original finish and original white Vitrolite (milk glass) top. The glass fits perfectly within stops on top of the table frame. The construction of the base is such that the table top has multiple cross bars of support for the glass making it very durable and sturdy. There are light scratches to the glass seen on close inspection. The overall original condition of this table is shockingly good as it was only used indoors. The original enamel is a darker taupe / gray-beige. This is the only example we have seen of this original design in our 25 years in business. We also have a pair of Sculptura armchairs with the original finish and covers, also never outside.

Height: 29 in. (73.66 cm)
Width: 48 in. (121.92 cm)
Depth: 52.25 in. (132.72 cm)

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