Desk by Jens Risom, Blonde Wood, Blue Drawer Fronts, Chrome Pulls, Laminate Top — RETRO INFERNO

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Desk by Jens Risom, Blonde Wood, Blue Drawer Fronts, Chrome Pulls, Laminate Top


Desk by Jens Risom, Blonde Wood, Blue Drawer Fronts, Chrome Pulls, Laminate Top

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Desk by Jens Risom, Blonde Wood, Blue Drawer Fronts, Chrome Pulls, Laminate Top


Jens Risom desk for Risom Designs. Birch wood case, light blue lacquered drawer fronts, chrome pulls, brass feet, and virtually indestructible Laminate top. Condition is good and completely original.

Height: 29 in. (73.66 cm)
Width: 54 in. (137.16 cm)
Depth: 30 in. (76.2 cm)

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