Custom Coffee Table by Krueck & Sexton, Chicago, 1986, Glass, Steel, & Chrome — RETRO INFERNO

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Custom Coffee Table by Krueck & Sexton, Chicago, 1986, Glass, Steel, & Chrome

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Custom Coffee Table by Krueck & Sexton, Chicago, 1986, Glass, Steel, & Chrome


Outstanding one of a kind multi level coffee table designed by Ron Krueck and Mark Sexton for the Stone Residence, Chicago, USA, 1986. Enameled steel, glass, and chrome-plated brass. The thick glass top has a rounded edge and a bevel on the underside that deepens as it runs along the edge of the glass. Everything about this table is of the highest quality of materials and construction. The condition is very good. No chips, cracks or significant scratches to the glass. There are a few very small enamel losses to the base. Ready to use.

Height: 18 in. (45.72 cm)
Width: 59.24 in. (150.47 cm)
Depth: 38.5 in. (97.79 cm)

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