Carved Horn Inlay Console / Sofa Table by Karl Springer, Ltd. USA, c. 1970 — RETRO INFERNO

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Carved Horn Inlay Console / Sofa Table by Karl Springer, Ltd. USA, c. 1970

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Carved Horn Inlay Console / Sofa Table by Karl Springer, Ltd. USA, c. 1970


Karl Springer console / sofa / entry table. Sculptural form in tessellated horn inlay. Expertly restored and in very good to excellent condition. Sold with a digital certificate of authentication from Tom Langevin, former director of Karl Springer, Ltd.

Height: 29 in. (73.66 cm)
Width: 60.25 in. (153.04 cm)
Depth: 18.25 in. (46.36 cm)

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