12 Foot Super Ellipse Dining/Conference Table by Arne Jocobsen, Piet Hein, et al — RETRO INFERNO

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12 Foot Super Ellipse Dining/Conference Table by Arne Jocobsen, Piet Hein, et al

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12 Foot Super Ellipse Dining/Conference Table by Arne Jocobsen, Piet Hein, et al


Super Ellipse dining / conference table in rare Karelian Birch Burl.designed by Arne Jacobsen, Piet Hein and Bruno Mathsson for Bruno Mathsson International, Sweden, 1986. Almost twelve feet long and just over five feet deep. Six chromed steel legs. The simply yet sophisticated design allows for the legs to be attached and removed using no tools or screws. The center legs securely connect to two piece table top making moving and set up for this monumental table a breeze. Exceptionally good design. We have had the Karelian Birch Burl top expertly refinished and it looks like new. Stunning in person. Signed with decal manufacturer's label to underside ‘Piet Hein Bruno Mathsson Mathsson International Made in Värnamo Sweden’.

literature: Bruno Mathsson Möbelkonstnären Glashusarkitekten Manniskan, Bohn-Jullander, ppg. 235-239 discuss series

Height: 27.5 in (69.85 cm)
Width: 141.75 in (360.05 cm)
Depth: 63 in (160.02 cm)

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