Six Counter Height Bar Stools by Gilbert Rohde for Troy Sunshade, No Rust — RETRO INFERNO

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Six Counter Height Bar Stools by Gilbert Rohde for Troy Sunshade, No Rust

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Six Counter Height Bar Stools by Gilbert Rohde for Troy Sunshade, No Rust


Rare set of 6 counter height Z barstools designed by Gilbert Rohde for the Troy Sunshade Company, 1930s. The tubular chrome frames are in amazingly good condition with NO RUST and no pitting. We've been in business for 25 years and have never seen a set without any rust. The original shiny vinyl seats apparently had a design on them at one time that has worn away. The are assorted spots and indentations on the vinyl. These present very well and are ready to use as is or would be very easy to reupholster. These are counter height stools which are very hard to find in any quantity from this period.

Height: 24.5 in (62.23 cm)
Diameter: 14.5 in (36.83 cm)
Seat Height: 24.5 in (62.23 cm)

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