Ten Rosewood Danish Modern Dining Chairs, Blue Fabric, Labels on Several Chairs — RETRO INFERNO

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Ten Rosewood Danish Modern Dining Chairs, Blue Fabric, Labels on Several Chairs


Ten Rosewood Danish Modern Dining Chairs, Blue Fabric, Labels on Several Chairs

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Ten Rosewood Danish Modern Dining Chairs, Blue Fabric, Labels on Several Chairs


Set of 10 Danish modern dining chairs in Brazilian rosewood and new blue upholstery. Some slight wear in the form of small nicks and dents in the chair frames but no significant distractions and ready to use. The blue upholstery is new. Signed with the Håndværkerhøjskolen Haslev labels.

Height: 35.5 in. (90.17 cm)
Width: 19 in. (48.26 cm)
Depth: 23 in. (58.42 cm)
Seat Height: 18.5 in. (46.99 cm)

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