Rare Pair Dunbar Dining Chairs in Original Black Leather,Mahogany Frames. Signed — RETRO INFERNO

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Rare Pair Dunbar Dining Chairs in Original Black Leather,Mahogany Frames. Signed

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Rare Pair Dunbar Dining Chairs in Original Black Leather,Mahogany Frames. Signed


Very rare and desirable high back Dunbar dining chairs designed by Edward Wormley. Both chairs are completely original. The original black leather has no tears, scuffs, or repairs and show slight stretching on the seats. The mahogany frames show light signs of use in the form of light scratches and nicks, but no distractions. These are excellent examples of this important design, clearly well cared for over the years. Acquired from the original owner. Signed with the gold Dunbar metal medallion.


Height: 27.75 in (70.49 cm)
Width: 21.5 in (54.61 cm)
Depth: 23 in (58.42 cm)
Seat Height: 18 in (45.72 cm)

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