Ettore Sottsass Abat-Jour Table Lamp for B&B Italia Italy, 2005, Black Glass — RETRO INFERNO

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Ettore Sottsass Abat-Jour Table Lamp for B&B Italia Italy, 2005, Black Glass

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Ettore Sottsass Abat-Jour Table Lamp for B&B Italia Italy, 2005, Black Glass


Ettore Sottsass Abat-Jour table lamp for B&B Italia, Italy, 2005. Glazed ceramic base with a blown black glass shade, chrome-plated brass fixtures, and sand-blasted glass diffuser. No chips, cracks or repairs. Few if any signs of use. Stamped manufacturer's mark to base ‘Sottsass B&B Italia Made in Italy’. Applied decal manufacturer's label to top of lamp ‘B&B Italia Abat-Jour’. A great example of this design.

Height: 23.5 in. (59.69 cm)
Diameter: 18.75 in. (47.63 cm)

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