Barbarella Writing Desk / Secretary by Ettore Sottsass for Poltronova, 1966/1985 — RETRO INFERNO

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Case Pieces & Storage

Barbarella Writing Desk / Secretary by Ettore Sottsass for Poltronova, 1966/1985

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Barbarella Writing Desk / Secretary by Ettore Sottsass for Poltronova, 1966/1985


Ettore Sottsass Barbarella cabinet for Poltronova, Italy. Designed in 1966, produced in 1985. The cabinet features three drawers over a drop-front writing surface concealing two drawers and open storage. This example has had very little use and looks close to new. No distractions, few if any scratches. Ready to use. Very rare.

literature: Repertorio del Design Italiano: 1950-2000, Gramigna, pg. 128.

Height: 51 in. (129.54 cm)
Width: 43.75 in. (111.13 cm)
Depth: 15.25 in. (38.74 cm)

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