Art Glass Crystal Vase by Anna Ehrner, Kosta Boda, Sweden, Signed, Excellent — RETRO INFERNO

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Art Glass Crystal Vase by Anna Ehrner, Kosta Boda, Sweden, Signed, Excellent

Artwork & Objects

Art Glass Crystal Vase by Anna Ehrner, Kosta Boda, Sweden, Signed, Excellent

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Art Glass Crystal Vase by Anna Ehrner, Kosta Boda, Sweden, Signed, Excellent


Heavy, thick crystal vase designed by Anna Ehrner and signed A. Ehrner, Kosta Boda. Also retains the Kosta Boda label. This piece is in mint condition.

Height: 9.25 in. (23.5 cm)
Diameter: 7.25 in. (18.42 cm)

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